I watched Prestige yesterday. Scarlett is pretty. She is more than being sweet in the Lost in Translation....
I like the story very much, the script especially. The plot was executed at the right tune, even it was non-linear. Christopher Nolan is brilliant I have to say. Damn, he did the screenplay script too, no wonder. Christopher and his brother Jonathan (?) and the script deserve the biggest credit, very innovative, perhaps a pioneer. The way he got out of the box, then created a great solution, then brought out another brilliant twist... are just phenomenon. The most important thing is the audience are still in his pace. No one is off course I suppose. If you think you are a great predictor, I bet you’ll love the ending.
Hugh Jackson, too bossy and I don’t think like that. I would prefer him to stay obedient all the way for a greater “silent” payoff. Christian Bale is great. His wife in the movie, Sarah did a good job too. David Bowie is a surprise.
O... music!!! Sorry, I don’t like it. Especially the big twist near the ending... Can you David Julyan please write as what the audience see? The music plays the inner heart and cushion too much under the dialogue... it’s just annoying. Maybe you scored well in other part and I believe you did, but your sound in the ending cue is still haunting me.
... It should get really hot in Oscar. No doubt for screenplay and maybe some luck in best directing.
Check out Okkyung’s Blah Blah Blah and her view - http://okkyung.blogspot.com/2006/10/prestige.html#links
Hey check out the picture in this posting, she got a pimple on her cheek.
YEAH!!! The Scarlett in the short I’m going to score is really hot too.!!! Yeah baby.