If I don't post again after 24 hours... inform my mom!!!
Ken's Stuff
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
A message from my heart
From my heart to UPM Music Department, a reply to Mr. Chan's reply to a harsh message I posted previously at Malaysia Music Forum
Harsh Message -
Chan's message -
My reply to Chan's message -
Harsh Message -
Most of us have this attitude -
I come, I see, I leave...
Don't give a damn.
Or, I don't think I have the standard to say anything,
Or, Sorry... I am busy. (hey dudes, does it mean whoever who posted their opinions here have been free or jobless? I know some of us are busy, ME TOO, but I strongly believe MOST of us don't feel like saying anything)
And it's always "true" that people like to say "I don't say shit doesn't mean I don't care."
Anyway, great to see some little enthusiasm from some of us in the past 2 weeks... BUT
Without reason, this forum cools down again.
We always have brief period of enthusiasm.
I am SURE there will be some people feel pissed after I say this.
But sorry, this is really what I feel everytime I talk to Malaysians. and we are discussing some bad attitudes that we are actually carrying out.
Chan's message -
... ...
My reply to Chan's message -
1st thanks to chan for the reply. I was expecting your feedback.
Sorry for being rude, and I definitely apprehend the consequence of sending the last posting - Creating a huge pressure and tention among members. I always make sure I don't criticize people but the sin, and I am sorry if I did it, unconsciously.
I hope you understand my intention of sending a sincere caution to all of us. Maybe not in a right way, but your reply well corrected me and set a good direction in this forum.
Seniors are not perfect, I am not perfect for sure. I am still learning and still screwed up sometimes. There are much more room to improve, not limited to music, but also in my self cultivation, career direction, and even my language and communication techniques, etc...
"I have written the message, but did not have the courage to press the send button" - I wrote the last posting, clicked send... deleted it after a while. and decided to rewrite and posted my thought after I realized I couldn't concentrate on my work. I open up myself. Do all of you?
I am using bad english all the time. So, please don't hesitate to express because of your language ability. In fact, it should be a good chance to write your best english here, as well as start networking, learn to sneak into an on-going discussion, get yourself started.
I am always proud of the achievement of our music department. I think UPM music department is STILL one of the best school in Malaysia, because of the involvement of Chan, and ALL other lecturers. I totally understand how hard the situation has been these few years especially after Chee Meng's batch. But I still encourage my friends to go to UPM, but with a promise to me of more hard work and serious concentration especially when having classes with our lecturers. I respect all our juniors who are still in UPM. I heard good comments from LAM and Arrif. I think you all (students) are the reason these good lecturers remain in this fading department. They can go somewhere else for better compensation.... whatever nice words, I sincerely thank to all our lecturers. I think you are tremendously notable perople. And you all are definitely a good mirror to all musicians in overseas, and encourage us to return to our country to contribute whatever we can. I believe Chee Meng, Chern Hwei, especially whoever who still keep in touch with UPM lecturers have the same thought.
Don't feel shy... all of us were at the same beginning. How well we are in future, we still ought to go through all emberrassing learning proccess. Older people definitely don't laugh or look down at juniors. all of us were scolded hard by lecturers before. I am a famous example! Friends still laugh at me how I got scolded in past. In short, if you step back because you are shy (that applies to whatever personal emotion that stops you from expressing yourself)... then you must learn to open up yourself no matter what. Don't wait until it's too late, and difficult to change yourself especially when you have to find a job or pursue a career in this crazy world.
Thanks Hui Sin for your active involvement. It's very encouraging. Still looking for more new juniors and please invite more members. And please don't limit this forum to UPM people and department topic. I think we shouldn't always address ourselves as UPM people (Although I always did), becuase it might stop other people step into this forum.
FYI, I will not be as active as in the past for coming 2 weeks because of my work. But I am keeping track on this forum, and never lost track. If I can't "tahan", I will post a short buzz
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Homecoming Concert
Dropping a quick message to all living species back in Malaysia.
Recommending a concert by a homecoming pianist from Germany.
Star interview - Living her dream
She is the Ho-le. Beautiful Joyce, stunning lady.
She is studying in Germany, piano performance...
So, check it out.
I will talk more about this when I get my work done.
Fabulous Monkey
Someone I really proud of...
He always brings in new stuff to family
He was the 1st person who used computer, i can barely live without computer now.
He was the 1st person got interested about NBA, something I've been crazy for more than a decade.
He was the 1st person who played video games, and I have been playing NBA games since I was 15 on 486 Windows... still doing it with my room-mate's PS 2.
Some new technology like bluetooth, USB, downloading, Mp3, cameras.... he is my main source!
NOW, He was the 1st person who has personal online radio station... can you believe that??? Personal radio station, he is the DJ!!! I don't when I will get crazy about this new stuff he's exploring.
PS: click this link and it should connect to the radio station. I recommended it to my roommates, all Stunned! :D
See this is my brother.
My monkey brother.
Monkey Seng
MA LAO SENG - ”马骝“ Seng :D
Although we had misunderstanding during childhood, teenage age, he is someone I'm really proud of.
He is someone I should appreciate the most in my life, but I didn't show much.
Perhaps, he is the most important person in my family, running our family business, taking care of our family, something that I should be doing...
What can I say?
I learned to be a better brother, and I will be a better brother when I get home.
Seng, I love you and our most beautiful Amy.
I miss everyone at home.

Zombie work
Finally I got a gig. 1st one this month!
Dudes, I'm in deep shit this month. I haven't paid my rent, my phone bill, my credit card.... I'm screwed!
Pretty interesting story, a new short film about zombie. I'm just doing an additional music, and not the main composer.
A guy was dead in a car accident, came back home because he loves his girl friend too much. But he could only say I love you.
He wasn't doing good. Vacuuming the garden, gas blower in the living room, use dishwasher as clothes dryer... he messed up the breakfast he prepared for girl friend. He was fuck-up.
And worst thing was he always broke his own organ... hamds legs and even head always got chopped up.
He started eating human for healthy organs - legs hands, and even penis, and last a brain so that he could have sex with her.
He wanted to think and do more than I love you....
No more story, can't tell everything...
This is my 1st film in 2 months. My instnct wasn't as sharp as before.
I only got the best sound that suits a scene after 3 tries, after one whole day. It's a very cue and I should have gotten correct taste right away.
Sigh, my brain has rusted away... slumbering too long.
Will also work on an album starting next week. 2 songs

I use East West Quantum Leap, Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition for orchestral sound. Everything will be done on Logic.
The Japanese words down there..... errrr, not part of the work. It's a picture my friend sent me and I didn't close it.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Evolution? Lets drink!
I thought of keeping my hair until I go home. Why? Coz I thought I can only forget about Cheshire when I get home. Seems that I am doing well. At least, I had my hair cut. Thanks to connie.
Sep 12 2006, My 1st hair cut in saloon here. Previously Nori cut my hair. He was a professional hair dresser in Japan. He charged $80 for guys $120 for ladies (in USD!!!)... crazy huh? But he didn't even wanna accept a dime from me. THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR!!!
Hair Cut at Super Cut - $15, $3 tips
Obviously, it wasn't as good as Nori. Nori is the best I've ever seen in my life, no doubt !

I'm now drinking with my best dude here, Nori and my roommate Fumi... Haven't been drinking for long long time since Chern Hwei went back to New York.
I miss home, I miss dad and mom, I miss my 3 lovely brothers...
Talked about Cheshire this afternoon... how soft her hand was, how well she could swim, how well I treated her... So what?
And I realized I am really very far away from those memories. I enjoy what I have now, and I am glad to be a happy man here... finally

I ain't drunKEN
I'm just levitating :D
Feeling really good now.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
What if I were a....
Slumbering - Who the heck... - Stop staring at me - Give me a break! - Whatever...
Pictures taken at balcony outside my room
I know 2 guys who love squirrels
1. Chern Hwei's HMI friend whose expression similar to Justin - Jules Buckley who always wants to feed a squirrel and got bitten on his thumb.
2. Myspace mate, Jason, an electronic freak who calls himself a red squirrel .
I often look at squirrels outside my balcony lately when I have writer block. I would be happy to live as a squirrel. Eat sleep play sex and sometimes having some stupid humans trying to get attention from them...
Who cares which one is the masterpiece god had created - Adam or Eve.
And who cares who the hell looking at me - Hor or Whore, Ho or Hole...
At least, be an occasional squirrel flashing in our crazy life... like what I am slumbbering around now.
pretty cool huh?
Pictures taken at balcony outside my room
What a Quote!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Working In Vain
Working on James' album now.... the lyrics is haunting me!!
Hopefully the music will be elaborate and of haunting beauty when it's done.
But now, IT IS haunting me.
This is the Chorus.... (can't show all maa)
Everytime I try to do the arrangement, the WHOLE song is beating shit out of me, and I gotta overcome the emotion.
Especially after the lyrics was modified last week, I can't do shit!!!
Sorry James, Sorry for waiting. I promise this will be a good one.
This is the most struggling proccess in my 10-year composing experience. I can't concentrate everytime I look at the lyrics.
RUDI (the lyricist), I hate you!!!
Anyway, I am doing it now. After numerous times of restart, redo, smashing my computer keyboard. Damn, I spent 35 USD to buy a new MAC keyboard. Stupid Say Bak Guai, 死白鬼 (coz the typing keyboard is in white) so fragile!!!!
Talking about 死白鬼, (the direct translation means f***king white trash), is actually a rock band in San francisco. Cool fellas!!! check them out.
Also, 死白鬼 implies someone :D
A motherfucking jerk... who stole Crayon's oboe. Aiya... that oboe's sound is cracking, even he didn't grab it from you, you would dump it, no? and you DID dump it! Go get another one lo.... I thought there is a SHENYANG-made violin is not bad. Or the american-made aged guitar is worth to try what. it's alright if it's not new, not crunchy... but it's seasoned, easy to handle. LOL
New work, must listen

YEAH, a pretty chick Chern Hwei took when I drove them back from a violin maker shop in Ventura. After peeping the chick, I started recording their OPUS!!! ... about that shop, F***ing FAR.!!! Everytime he is here. I can't do anything.
Both of them really did some good shit!!! The 2 marvelous babies (2 tracks - GET IT and CRYSTAL SILENCE) have sprogged, with an additional MD track making the chick wet! Yeah !!! :D
Both of them, Chern Hwei and Jeremy (I think he looks like popeye, doesn't he?) used pickup mic. God damn dry, sound like electric string. The MD recorded the natural acoustic of 2 mothers (instruments - Cello and violin) and some room ambience. I didn't use much effect, only a little reverb for both pickup mics. The trick is the MD - I dragged the MD track a demi, mili seconds delay... YEAH baby, the MD track made the mixdown so wet and natural and... Chicks gotta get wet listening to it!!!
Shit, what is Ray Pizzi's quote? " I don't care what scales and modes you play in a ballade, as long as you make the chick wet"
I will definitely talk about this more. Let me get all my shit done first. FUCK , I am SCREWED!!!!

writing about myself... moving on
Party animal sometimes, love drinking, basketball regularly, "working" in front of computer, often rushing deadlines (Cantonese - Yao Ak Lik)! But most of time... slumbering around :D
I'm a typical Sagittarius, and a perceptive person. Music and Love is very much about my life. "I work for music, I live for love" HAHA.. What a dumb quote! I can be very sluggish when I have something not settled (Cantonese - Mei Gai Quik), or when I am stuck in certain cases. I am a DOS when I am working - monofuctional ! especially when composing or dealing with sound.
Working as freelanced composer, orchestrator in LA. Finding my way in this crazy dreamland. Finding a new life here, a new me, a very different one from days back in KL. I am having my single life now, 1st time in past 10 years... it seems like I'm running away from a stable life now. I'm a runaway principal of a music institute in Malaysia, I ran away from an established career... I call myself a runaway shoehorn... coz my high school bandmates called me shoehorn.
I am moving on. Will start writing often here as before the breakup in March. Cheshire, you are out of my world. No shit.
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