YEAH, a pretty chick Chern Hwei took when I drove them back from a violin maker shop in Ventura. After peeping the chick, I started recording their OPUS!!! ... about that shop, F***ing FAR.!!! Everytime he is here. I can't do anything.
Both of them really did some good shit!!! The 2 marvelous babies (2 tracks - GET IT and CRYSTAL SILENCE) have sprogged, with an additional MD track making the chick wet! Yeah !!! :D
Both of them, Chern Hwei and Jeremy (I think he looks like popeye, doesn't he?) used pickup mic. God damn dry, sound like electric string. The MD recorded the natural acoustic of 2 mothers (instruments - Cello and violin) and some room ambience. I didn't use much effect, only a little reverb for both pickup mics. The trick is the MD - I dragged the MD track a demi, mili seconds delay... YEAH baby, the MD track made the mixdown so wet and natural and... Chicks gotta get wet listening to it!!!
Shit, what is Ray Pizzi's quote? " I don't care what scales and modes you play in a ballade, as long as you make the chick wet"
I will definitely talk about this more. Let me get all my shit done first. FUCK , I am SCREWED!!!!

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