[Translator's note: The "just your shell" in the first line is literally translated as "your discarded skin is beside me", what an insect might leave behind after a metamorphosis. The idea is that the girl, although physically present, has already moved on past the relationship to a different stage in life -- her soul isn't there anymore. However, though insect carcasses may have their place in Japanese torch songs, I don't think they belong in English ones, so I've translated it a bit more liberally. Thanks to Ryo and Hideki for their ideas about the symbolism here.]
朝目覚める度に 君の抜け殻が横にいる
ぬくもりを感じた いつもの背中が冷たい
苦笑いをやめて 重いカーテンを開けよう
眩しすぎる朝日 僕と毎日の追いかけっこだ
Every time I open my eyes in the morning, the body that's beside me is just your shell,
and your back, where I always felt warmth, is now cold.
I stop my bitter smiling and throw open the heavy curtain
to the over-brilliant morning sun that chases me down each day.
あの日 見せた泣き顔
涙照らす夕陽 肩のぬくもり
心が 体が 君を覚えている
The tear-stained face that you showed me that day, shining in the sunset,
and the warmth of your shoulder --
whenever I wish for these memories to disappear,
my heart and body suddenly remember you.
Your love forever
瞳を閉じて 君を描くよ それだけでいい
たとえ季節が 僕の心を 置き去りにしても
Your love forever
Closing my eyes and seeing you; that alone is enough
even if the seasons leave my heart deserted.
いつかは君のこと なにも感じなくなるのかな
今の痛み抱いて 眠る方がまだ いいかな
I suppose that sometime in the future, I may feel nothing for you.
It's better to go to sleep embracing my current pain, isn't it?
あの日 見てた星空
願いかけて 二人探した光は
心は 体は 君で輝いてる
I wish forever
Even though the light that we wished on and searched for
as we looked at the starry sky that night has been extinguished,
my heart and body still sparkle because of you.
I wish forever
瞳をとじて 君を描くよ それしか出来ない
たとえ世界が 僕を残して 過ぎ去ろうとしても
Closing my eyes and seeing you; I can't do any more that that
even if the world passes me by and leaves me.
Your love forever
瞳をとじて 君を描くよ それだけでいい
たとえ季節が 僕を残して 色を変えようとも
記憶の中に君を探すよ それだけでいい
なくしたものを 越える強さを 君がくれたから
Your love forever
Closing my eyes and seeing you; that alone is enough
even if the seasons pass me by and all the colours change.
I shall search for you in my memory; that alone is sufficient
because you gave me strength that overcomes what I lost.
Because you gave me that.

Thanks for posting your lyrics. That really helped me understand some lines I was having trouble with. Nice work!
I didnt translate it thou. I copied from somewhere else. Enjoy :)
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