Ken's Stuff


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What the heck....!!!!

Spent quite some time to set up this blog and I found intersting to maintain it, especially for my family and friends.... Then I realized visitors can't write comments and trackbacks unless they sign in. GGGGGgrrrrrrrr

My mum doesn't have friendster, she just knows how to do one-button click, and takes long time to write a short message to her son. More complicated than that, she will PENING!. Friends can't write anything to me right after reading, and send my response to my email instead.... it is just not SIOK!!!

This is sucks!! friendster operator, you guys should do something.
Friendster already has a lot of permenant members, you guys DON'T have to do this to "attract" people to join frienster.

Friendster is always great for me... but I am changing my mind. SIGH!

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